Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Online shopping and e-payment for different services are amazing comforts given by technology to the modern man. We can enjoy shopping for just any other stuff and world-class products from international brands without having to physically travel to those places. This trend has stemmed from numerous innovations in financial and IT sector. Use of plastic money, digitalization of banking transactions, and entry of numerous players in online retailing are some prominent factors responsible for the spurt and inclination of buyers towards online purchase. However, the same is not far from imperfections, and several limitations do affect e-shopping too.
Numerous incidences are cropping up wherein innocent buyers are fooled to give out their credit card details on the web to malicious individuals. How? You could be directed to a fraud web page which resembles the one you are planning to shop at. But, this web page is a phishing link which is there simply to harvest your credit card details and plot a cyber theft.
This doesn’t mean that you should never shop online. You just need to be mindful of few security measures and avoid certain pitfalls when you are about to give out your credit card details on the Internet.

How to Pay Safe Online?
There is nothing wrong with sharing your credit card number on the web. You just need to know whom you should be sharing it with. Firstly, do check the credibility of a website where you are entering your account details and making online payments. Try to shop only from reliable and reputable retailers online. Further, look out for ‘https’ on the address bar of your browser window once you are directed to the payment gateway. Moreover, the sign of a closed padlock near the address bar of your browser window indicates that a particular web page is safe to type in your financial details, while an open padlock indicates that it is unsafe and your keystrokes or communication are not encrypted.

Certainly, you should avoid giving such details to friends, or any other stranger. No matter how trustworthy a person is, your credit card details are highly unsafe in the hands of one who is not responsible to maintain it. In fact, anybody apart from you should not be having it. Moreover, typing in your credit card number and sharing it with someone over the web comes with added risk of information theft by someone who can sneak in between your communication and monitor your keystrokes. Such occurrences are quite prevalent these days. Hackers use key logger and spyware applications to target innocent Internet users.

Further, it is advisable to use a powerful Internet security tool with two-way firewall for comprehensive protection online.


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