Monday, 29 July 2013

Internet is flooded with all kinds of content, good as well as bad. Being there on the World Wide Web would ultimately lead you into downloading something or the other. Moreover, there is so much relevant information and stuff for entertainment out there that you cannot resist to have it on your PC in a mere click. All this downloadable information and web content either needs to be purchased or comes free of cost. But this ease of obtaining the desired stuff by simply clicking upon a link is accompanied with the troubles of virus infection.

If you happen to download any unintended stuff, it would never get deleted on its own and you could end up having an infected PC. You, therefore, ought to be aware of what you allow your computer to download. Is there any way to judge whether a particular file, you are about to download is safe or not?

How to Judge the Credibility of a Downloadable Software or File?
Though attackers have numerous ways to fool you, yet noticing few distinctive features can alert you well in advance.

    See what you download
The first check to know whether a particular file would be safe or not is to consider what you downloaded. If you opted to download a free game, movie or something with adult content, you are most likely to get an infected file. Whereas, if you choose to download an add-on to an existing software or application you have, you might not go wrong.
    What is the source of the downloadable file?
Be doubly sure about the location from where you are obtaining the respective file or software. By simply looking at the website you can identify whether it is genuine or not. An extremely basic and vague website could be the source of a malicious program. However, if you are downloading a software from the website of a trusted vendor itself, such as Microsoft, you are less likely to falter. Moreover, attachments from any of the emails coming from unknown sources could be infected. But, these days certain email viruses send unsolicited mails to the contacts of the compromised Email Id.
    What is the size of the file
If a downloadable file is extremely small in size for what it ought to be, the chances are high that it is nothing but trash.
    Do check file extension
You should be well aware of the extension of the file you are about to download. If it varies with what you actually anticipated or seems suspicious then better perform a virus scan. If you are not sure what should be the extension of the file you would be downloading, look at the ones you already have.
    Use a virus scan software
Apart from all the precautions, it is best to have a reliable Internet security software for advanced protection. Always go for a software utility you can trust and has a two-way firewall with a strong virus scan engine.


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